Maitresse Nuit aka Nuit d'Or's articles on the psychology of BDSM & kink, relationship dynamics between Dominant & submissive, adventures in BDSM, evocative, erotic and very transgressive memoirs of past sessions. Here you can dive in the “BDSM Chronicles” which you can listen to on Patreon.

BDSM Ritual & Ceremonies Nuit d'Or BDSM Ritual & Ceremonies Nuit d'Or

The Collaring Ceremony: A Ritual of Passage in Power Exchange

“M-von-s watches as the blade tears the diaphanous fabric, each fibre severed with careful precision. He The initiate does not miss the way her breath catches, nor the manner her body tenses at the steel’s kiss. The knowledge that he the new slave will follow where she leads coils within, a tightening thread of devotion and fear.

“She is both slave and Goddess. Be mindful of the pain she receives tonight—you will endure the same. Accept it with the same grace.”

There is no hesitation. M-von-s nods, absorbing my words, understanding their weight. To take pain is not simply to endure; it is to receive. It is an exchange, an offering, and a claim.

The slave watches marie gwendoline’s ordeal. 

Supported by sergei, she yields to the whip.”

A collaring ceremony is a ritual of passage, marking the deepening of the power exchange between Dominant and submissive.


A collaring ceremony is a ritual of passage, marking the deepening of the power exchange between Dominant and submissive. It is also intensely personal and marks a new stage, and level of mutual commitment in that journey. In the world of BDSM, such ceremonies serve as rites of initiation, evoking echoes of ancient vows, religious consecration, and the investiture of knights. To be collared is to be transformed, to cross the threshold from independent selfhood into a state of submission where one’s identity is reframed through service, devotion, and surrender.

The ritual is a crucible of endurance, trust, and irrevocable commitment. My dominance is accepted as absolute within the context of D/s, yet it is layered with a calculated interplay of discipline and reverence, demanding not just obedience but spiritual surrender. The ceremony is designed to strip my soon to be collared slave - of any lingering resistance, symbolically breaking him open so that he may be reforged—his pain, his sacrifice, his blood serving as the currency of his submission.

I am not alone conducing this rite. Three other Mistresses—Miss Meyers, Mistress Siren, and Lady Lola—each embodying a facet of feminine dominance and power—stand as witnesses, initiators, and deities before whom the submissives must prove their worth. They are priestesses of the rite, shaping and testing the submissive spirit of my long time devotee and now initiate slave m-von-s. 

  • Miss Meyers, standing for Sophia, the embodiment of wisdom and knowledge, guiding the mind’s submission.

  • Mistress Siren, Ishtar, goddess of love and war, revelling in beauty, cruelty, and devotion.

  • Lady Lola, Aphrodite, pleasure and seduction incarnate, whose presence exudes control wrapped in softness.

Alongside m-von-s, two other slaves, temporarily lent to Me for the ceremony will serve. 

Sergei—the other male submissive, whose presence serves as both support and contrast, a reflection of another path within submission. Where m-von-s faces initiation, Sergei represents the stability of existing submission through service, a guide who silently reinforces what it means to belong to such a world. 

Marie-gwendoline, the only female submissive among them, serves as both witness and standard. Like sergei, she is already owned, already trained, already shaped by submission. In her, I present an aspiration, a model of grace under discipline, challenging m-von-s to embrace his place with the same devotion, the same poise, the same unwavering faith.

It is through their shared suffering, through the whip, the cane, and the silent endurance of discipline, that the three slaves form an unspoken bond that deepens their individual submission to their Dominants.


M-von-s kneels in darkness. The air of the closet is thick, and the plug inside the soon to be slave is a constant, deliberate reminder of its place. 

The slave spent the morning on an assignment of service, the first stage of the ritual of Power Exchange. It had to show its devotion to Me through extending its service to other Women and the many avatars of the Goddess. M-von-s moved through the British Museum with silent reverence, laying roses at the feet of goddesses, feeling the weight of unseen eyes upon him. It knows now that they are watching—Mistress Siren, Miss Meyers, and Lady Lola—each embodying a force greater than aspirant slave, each a deity before whom it had unknowingly paid homage. 

At 7:00 PM, the door of the wardrobe where m-von-s has been isolated during the greatest part of the afternoon finally opens. His The slave's body tenses at the sudden shift in space, the rush of cool air over heated skin. A single, clipped command, “Come".

M-von-s emerges into the room, stripped bare. Candlelight dances on the walls, four long shadows cast in black silk, veils masking faces, our presence all-consuming. The slave's pulse hammers. It is nothing before us—less than the air, less than the rug beneath our feet. It kneels, lowering its head, awaiting our will.

M-von-s kneels in the swaying glow of the flames, breath steady, shallow, the weight of the ceremony pressing down. Stripped bare, in body and spirit—each moment pulling the slave deeper into the gravity of My will.

I stand hieratic, channeling the presence of Isis - Cybele. The room is quiet and charged, the Mistresses are poised, our joined power, a net electrifying the skin of the kneeling initiate. It lowers its gaze—not in shame, but in reverence.

“Look at her.” I command directing his gaze towards the recumbent form lying on the deep carpet.

M-von-s' head lifts at the command and surveys marie-gwendoline bound in a cocoon of black silk gauze held by intricate hemp ropes.

I trace the contour of her recumbent form with the edge of My blade of My knife. 

The candlelight flickers across the steel, and a shiver courses through him. 

M-von-s watches as the blade tears the diaphanous fabric, each fibre severed with careful precision. He The initiate does not miss the way her breath catches, nor the manner her body tenses at the steel’s kiss. The knowledge that he the new slave will follow where she leads coils within, a tightening thread of devotion and fear.

“She is both slave and Goddess. Be mindful of the pain she receives tonight—you will endure the same. Accept it with the same grace.”

There is no hesitation. M-von-s nods, absorbing my words, understanding their weight. To take pain is not simply to endure; it is to receive. It is an exchange, an offering, and a claim.

The slave watches marie gwendoline’s ordeal. 

Supported by sergei, she yields to the whip.

The first lash lands designing a long crimson mark on her alabaster skin. Marie-gwendoline does not cry out. M-von-s observes the muscles of her buttocks absorbing the lashes, relaxed after an initial minimal contraction when the single tail lands, slashing her flesh with a corrosive kiss. The kneeling slave notices her shuddering breaths after each lash which echoes in ts body, knowing mirror suffering will follow hers, and welcoming it.

M-von-s counts silently, as she does aloud, as Sergei mouths the numbers with her. The lashes burn through the air, each one deepening the space between who they were before this night and who they are becoming. When she falters, My voice cuts through.

“I don’t hear you counting, marie-gwendoline.”

My voice As I speak—calm, unwavering—I tighten the grip on his soul. Not cruel, nor indulgent but exacting. My voice is a chisel which refines.

The initiate exhales, shoulders loose, head bowed, ready as he it will ever be for the dance of the whip…. 

When m-von-s'  turn comes, the slave does not resist. It leans against sergei as instructed. 

It is strange to be supported by an other man. This adds a layer of uncertainty to the utter newness of the whip. Sergei’s presence and hold is warm, sensual, strong and gentle. M-von-s melts in the embrace which contrasts and illuminates the viciousness of the whip.

The first lash tears and steals the slave's breath. The pain is instantaneous, searing, but it is not the sensations that consumes —it is the realisation of what it means. This is My claim, etched into the slave's body. Each lash speaks of the welcoming and acceptance of My control, My expectations, and the willingness to give. The room vanishes. There is only Me, and the path My will has carved during years of training that allow this threshold to be crossed and  the deeper shaping that will ensue.

By the time the final lash lands, M-von-s is shaking, not from weakness, but from the enormity of it. So taken, the slave now belongs. And belonging is more intoxicating than pain.

Then comes the lesson in service.

Marie-gwendoline moves on all fours, steady, controlled, the bottom of a champagne coupe held carefully between her teeth. I watch m-von-s kneel, observe. The command is unspoken but clear—study, learn, emulate. The new slave examines Marie-Gwendoline’s poise, the way she carries the weight of expectation, of servitude, with dignity.

“You will serve me with the same grace.”

“Yes, Maîtresse.” The words feel like a vow. 

Miss Meyers approaches, cane in hand. Marie-gwendoline does not falter. The strikes lands; the glass does not waver. The Mistresses murmur their approval. 

M-von-s feels a strange pride—not its own, but shared, diffused through the space where submission and power weave together.


M-von-s lies on the floor, arms outstretched, sergei holding the new slave's right hand, marie-gwendoline it's left. The Mistresses encircle the three devotees, a constellation of power and expectation. Miss Meyers strokes the new slave's head, whispering soft reassurances. I loom above, the scalpel gleaming between My fingers.

“Blood, the symbol of life must flow.”

The first cut is fire. Breath shudders, but he slave holds still. I do not ask if it is ready—I decide. The second cut follows, a blooming heat raises with the viscous ruby beading along the mark. And then the third, My initial carved into the slave's flesh.

I do not soothe. I do not coddle. Instead, I watch, measuring. Waiting for the moment of understanding that this is more than suffering. This is devotion made tangible.

The contract, signed in the slave's own blood, is final.

The champagne flows, laughter and pleasure lighten the atmosphere, yet m-von-s remains in the gravity of it all. The slave touches his thigh where her mark now lives, and feels it: the consequences of surrender, the certainty of belonging for the year to Me. 

Collared, m-von-s is finally free.

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“I want him to endure for my pleasure, though not at my hands. I will not be the one feeding him the energy of dominance; I will watch, preside, and contain the scene within the hierarchy of power: Maîtresse at the pinnacle, Master as the executor, and [helot] as the supplicant and devotee.”

Testing the limits of power: Today, Maîtresse offers [helot] to Ars Lucis to submit to male dominance for her pleasure. A ritual of hierarchy, trust, and surrender.

I wish that I could go
Through the red doors where I could put off
My shame like shoes in the porch,
My pain like garments,
And leave my flesh discarded lying
Like luggage of some departed traveller
Gone one knows not where.

Then I would turn round,
And seeing my cast-off body lying like lumber,
I would laugh with joy.

D.H. Lawrence “In Trouble and Shame”

I am seated alone in the crimson room,

the warm glow of candles enhancing the texture of the damask drapes, picking up the reds in the intricate geometrical design of the Persian knotted carpet. 

The flickering flames soften the almost black walls, making their darkness seem velvety rather than oppressive, and temper the discomforting whiteness of the bespoke gynaecological bench that stands ominously against one side of the room. 

Sage smoke twists and curls in languid arabesques, tracing ancient patterns in the air, while the soft ululations of an invocation, as old as desire itself, rise and fall with hypnotic cadence.

The ritual has already started, although [helot*], my slave, has not yet entered the room. 

It began the moment he knocked on the door, his body and mind filled with anticipation, nerves, excitement, and a flicker of foreboding. 

The ritual always begins in separateness:

he soaking in water, preparing himself for surrender, while I sit regally on my "throne," a formidable bondage contraption crafted with meticulous precision and passed down by my mentor, Mistress Fiore. 

He dissolving into readiness; I materializing as the hieratic embodiment of the Goddess.

In these last moments of separateness, the scene is meticulously set… the die is cast. The carefully scripted ritual takes on a life of its own, vibrant and electric. I release the tight grip of preparation and planning, surrendering to presence. I am.

Knock… "Enter." 

His imposing frame, already at a disadvantage due to his nakedness, fills the doorway.

He pulls the "marron glacé" taffeta curtain across the threshold, sealing his fate with a single decisive gesture. 

I notice a subtle change in his form—a little extra weight gained over the holiday season. A fleeting, mundane observation passing through my mind: "We will need to address this." The thought dissipates as quickly as it arrives, swept away by the solemnity of the ritual.

He stretches himself into a cross, face pressed against the dense wool of the carpet, his head nearly brushing my feet. Our separatenesses begin to merge, becoming two sides of a coin tossed into the charged air.

Soon, we will be joined by a third—Ars Lucis,

a former gifted mentee of mine—who will stand beside me in this rigged game of power, subjugation, coercion, trust, and the erotic annihilation of ego.

[helot] has been in formal training under me for the past two years, his contract renewing every six months. 

He is not new to servitude, having served other Mistresses before finding his way to me. 

His initial admission to The Seraglio was marked by a mix of trepidation and eager anticipation, driven by a longing to explore his darkest sexual desires and a tentative wish to trust me. 

Over time, that initial flicker of trust, fueled by prurient lust, transformed into something deeper, more profound—a knowing that this path was perfectly aligned with his innermost being.

It has taken nearly two years for him to cultivate this trust, to peel back and dive into the layers of shame and inhibition, and to allow himself to be fully seen and shaped by the dynamics of our sessions. 

Together, we have unearthed his longing for pain, his exhilaration at enduring more than he thought possible—a quintessential trait of the masochist. 

We have delved into the complex interplay of pain, denigration, and coercion, which both humiliate and elevate him to ecstatic heights.

From my vantage point, witnessing his trust deepen, his vulnerability surface, and his curiosity expand the register of our scenes is a potent elixir. 

I constantly push his limits, incrementally, coaxing him toward new frontiers. The risks I take are sparks of life—electric jolts that remind us both of the raw vitality of existence. Not every scene succeeds; some fall flat, especially when playing  close to the edge. Both Master and slave must remain acutely aware of this ever-present possibility.

Today, we are leaping into the unknown with the introduction of a male Dominant.

Ars Lucis, my former mentee, brings his unique presence and commanding energy to the ritual. 

[helot] has previously experienced "double Domme" sessions, notably with Mz Venus Flytrap—another brilliantly perverted mentee of mine. Her exuberantly wicked imagination has left little marks on his psyche. 

He has also tasted the thrill and confusion of a "forced Bi" ritual with the wonderful Oz, where he was used as an object of pleasure, yielding to both delight and bewilderment.

Today, however, the dynamic shifts. I seek to test the extent of my power over [helot] by offering him to Ars Lucis. I want to observe how he responds to male dominance, to see him submit to physical abuse and obey a male Dominant for my pleasure.

Over the past two months, I have carefully introduced the idea of this "coercion ritual," weaving its possibility into our interactions. I want to witness [helot]'s discomfort and hunger as he is overpowered by a man. 

I want him to endure for my pleasure, though not at my hands.

I will not be the one feeding him the energy of dominance; I will watch, preside, and contain the scene within the hierarchy of power: Maîtresse at the pinnacle, Master as the executor, and [helot] as the supplicant and devotee.

It is understood by all that this ritual adheres to SSC (Safe, Sane, and Consensual) principles. [helot] has a safe word that he can invoke at any time. The art of Dominance lies in sensing the edge where the unbearable is courted but rarely crossed.

As the ritual unfolds, I find myself thoroughly captivated by [helot]'s squirming under a series of relentless throat locks, the deliberate thrusting of a dildo into his throat by Ars Lucis—a conundrum that invites both curiosity and amusement. 

Ars Lucis presses his booted foot firmly onto [helot]'s back, subduing him with brute force. 

I monitor [helot]'s reactions closely, attuned to the subtle signs of distress and arousal, prepared to guiding Ars if necessary. He is unfamiliar with [helot]'s body and psyche after all. 

Instinct, intuition, and a certain form of empathic connection are essential tools for any skilled Dominant, but familiarity deepens the craft.

Ars Lucis seems particularly delighted by the loop of rope dangling from [helot]'s tightly bound testes, nearly lifting him from his kneeling position. 

I observe the reactions of both men, fascinated by the interplay of dominance and submission between males. [helot]'s cock, confined within his chastity device, throbs with the frustration of denied release. I can taste his humiliation, palpable and raw.

In just under an hour, [helot] is spent, his body and mind thoroughly ravaged by the waves of sensation and emotion we have conjured.

We have surfed together through amber currents, cresting into russet depths. The ritual has left its indelible mark on all of us, a testament to the transformative alchemy of power, surrender, and the erotic sublime.

Yet an other level is reached when I liberate him from his cage and instruct him to masturbate and cum on my command on Master’s boots and then lick them clean. which he does obediently.

An audio version of this post is available on Patreon at: Become a Patron and discover My podcasst series: The BDSM Chronicles.


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